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摘要:The year 2020 is the 600thanniversary of the Forbidden City, and the 95thanniversary of the Palace Museum. As the largest and best preserved ancient building group in wooden structure in the whole world, the Palace Museum is not only a sple
The year 2020 is the 600thanniversary of the Forbidden City, and the 95thanniversary of the Palace Museum. As the largest and best preserved ancient building group in wooden structure in the whole world, the Palace Museum is not only a splendid chapter depicting ancient Chinese culture, but also a magician wielding its wand, reproducing the past 600 years through alleys,palace gates, ancient paintings, and art and craft treasures.
2020 年,是紫禁城建成600 周年,也是故宫博物院成立95 周年。作为世界上现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代木结构建筑群,600 岁的故宫不仅代表着中国古代文化的璀璨篇章,也在今时今日依然散发着她的魅力。走过那一道道宫门、一条条小巷,看过那一张张古画、一件件珍宝,仿佛穿过600 年光阴,将沉淀的岁月尽收心怀。
The year 2020 is the 600thanniversary of the Forbidden City, and the 95thanniversary of the Palace Museum. As the largest and best preserved ancient building group in wooden structure in the whole world, the Palace Museum is not only a splendid chapter depicting ancient Chinese culture, but also a magician wielding its wand, reproducing the past 600 years through alleys,palace gates, ancient paintings, and art and craft 年,是紫禁城建成600 周年,也是故宫博物院成立95 周年。作为世界上现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代木结构建筑群,600 岁的故宫不仅代表着中国古代文化的璀璨篇章,也在今时今日依然散发着她的魅力。走过那一道道宫门、一条条小巷,看过那一张张古画、一件件珍宝,仿佛穿过600 年光阴,将沉淀的岁月尽收心怀。
文章来源:《青春岁月》 网址: http://www.qcsyzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0118/805.html
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